North Fulton Drama Club
A growing community of part-time artists dedicated to providing people of every level of experience an opportunity to enjoy classical theatre either up on stage or in the audience.
Hosts: Alyssa Jackson, Nikki, Thomas
Channel: Arts » Performing Arts
Copyright: Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Wrapping Up "Much Ado" - Episode 11
Show notes
Five shows were scheduled. Four and a half shows were presented. But in spite of show-threatening weather, Much Ado About Nothing was another success for NFDC. In this episode, we ramble on about anything and everything, like numbering our podcasts, deciphering vintage dress patterns, finding jazzed-up Shakespearean songs, dressing soldiers believably in department store clothing, and replacing irreplaceable actors without having an actual understudy. We round out our conversation by thanking our wonderful cast and welcoming the youngest member of our NFDC family.
North Fulton Drama Club's production of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing closed on May 12, 2007. Auditions for our next production will be held in July, so please visit the NFDC blog for more information.
- Alyssa Jackson, Assistant Director
- Nikki Strickland, Producer
- Thomas L. Strickland, Director
- Dorie Turner, Actress ("Margaret" in Much Ado About Nothing)
This episode's bumper music is "Roses Of Picardy," performed by The Oscar Moore Trio. Provided courtesy of Rumblefish Music Licensing Store.
(And yes, we'll be finding new music soon. We promise.)