Mostly ITP

Mostly ITP

Amber and Rusty podcast about whatever strikes their fancy, which generally are things and issues inside Atlanta's perimeter.

Hosts: Amber Rhea, Rusty Tanton

Channel: Society & Culture ยป Personal Journals

May contain content only suitable for adults

Talkie - Listener comments, Strippers Ball, Presidential delegates, social media conferences, Sex 2.0 updates

by Amber Rhea, February 17, 2008 - 11:56pm

Show notes

Halfway into February, it's time for our first talkie of 2008. This screenshot should give you an idea of what to expect:

Here's a little more detail:

  • We play two voicemail messages from Nobilis. In the second one, he asks a question, and we answer.
  • Why the heck haven't you people called in your creepy bug/snake stories?
  • We went to Trapeze last night and I was in the poorly-conceived (or at least poorly-executed) "Strippers Ball," for a minute at least.
  • Talk of the Strippers Ball leads to a tangent about sex clubs in theory vs. practice, and annoying drunk people.
  • Can anyone give us a good, clear description of how delegates work in the Presidential election?
  • Thoughts on social media conferences in general, and a bit on PodCamp Nashville specifically
  • Sex 2.0 updates, and promo

Length: 29:48 minutes
File size: 20.5 MB

We love voicemail! Call us at 678.389.9441. Add me as a Twitter friend here, and Rusty here. E-mail us at

This file was played in a web browser 91 times and downloaded 1188 times when statistics were kept between May 12, 2008 and October 4, 2009.

Tags: admonishment, listener calls, pole dancing, politics, Sex 2.0, sex clubs, social media, swingers clubs, talkie, Trapeze

RnA's picture

After listening to both talkies referencing Trapeze, we decided it was going to be our destination for our first experience at a sex club. Thanks for your podcasts, as they were the best research we had to run with. We set out last Saturday, landing there at about 1am. It was largely a positive experience.

There were a couple of creepies - the most egregious being some guy in the pool table room who stuck his hand between his partner's legs, licked his fingers, and then proceeded to touch our arms w/same fingers as we each walked by. How the heck do you respond to that? We just kept walking. The other was a guy in the locker room who was just a little too animated about promoting his partner's pussy - he really sounded like he was going for the redneck cowboy pimp of the year award - I positioned myself between him and my partner so he wouldn't take interest.

But outside of that, we had fun putting on a small bit of a show, others were clearly having fun, and it felt safe. The couples room was a hoot - one woman in a fivesome shouted "stop!", apparently not sure she could take much more. Another woman looks up, clearly in a daze and says, "Stop? Who said stop? We need an intervention!!!" The room lit up. The first woman, who was christened "Stop" in another really funny verbal exchange, later found the prefix "don't" and clarified where her head was really at.

Of note, speaking of Stop - her partner did in fact stop when asked, as he should have. We noticed.

We were propositioned five times by three couples - which was interesting and flattering - but we weren't ready to play that way on our first visit. Perhaps during our next visit, which will be sooner rather than later. We were happy that there wasn't a lack of interaction, and we found the ways people initiated contact most interesting.

We listened to your naked/not naked partition discussion with some interest, and left Trapeze with a slightly different take - we thought the locker room worked well as a disarming point to get everyone comfortable. Don't know if that was their intent, but her thought was, "oh, gym!" End of bashfulness, leave it at the locker room door. Any thoughts?

Our final read - thumbs up on couples-only nights - thumbs up on food - thumbs up on getting there a bit late (our next visit we'll try for early, so that will be interesting) - thumbs up on the tikis, if we can actually figure out how to get in there with the way folks crowd around 'em. Pool & hot tubs? Somewhat frightened of them on general principle. To quote a character on "Drawn Together": baby soup? :-)

Finally - thanks Amber for the tip on flip flops for the pool area!

-R of R&A

Posted on March 19, 2008 - 8:21pm

Amber Rhea's picture
Amber Rhea

Hi R., thanks for commenting and sharing your experience at Trapeze. It sounds like it was a good night, and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it.

We got in the hot tub the first time we went; I tried to suppress my natural "ew" feeling toward hot tubs and pools in general. But I know how you feel. One time I saw something on the Discovery Channel about all the germs and hair and dead skin and whatnot that gets circulated in hot tubs... yeah, that pretty much ruined them for me. And, I always appreciate a good Drawn Together reference.

If you're going back let me know, maybe we'll run into each other at some point!

Posted on March 21, 2008 - 12:56pm

Amber Rhea's picture
Amber Rhea

Oh and re: the locker room, my problem is that it's too small and when there are lots of people in there it gets REALLY cramped and crowded. Then people start spilling drinks... and it's all downhill.

Posted on March 21, 2008 - 1:00pm