Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta

Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta

Weekly talks from our one-hour Sunday services by Rev. Paul Gonyea. The Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta is a thriving spiritual community which recognizes and honors God, as It is expressed through the wisdom of all spiritual teachers, including Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, Gandhi and Dr. King (among others). We have no formal doctrine or dogma. Our one-hour Sunday services are open and comfortable, with music, laughter, and interesting talks.

Hosts: cissa, marksteck, stephenfleming

Channel: Religion & Spirituality ยป Spirituality

07-26-2009 The Expectation of Others

by marksteck, July 27, 2009 - 4:26pm

Show notes

The only thing Life expects of me is that I live my life with love and joy. I have made it my intention to meet that expectation. I am not interested in anyone else's expectation of how I should live my life unless they support me in living happily.

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Tags: Paul Gonyea, Rev. Paul Gonyea, SLCA