Amber and me on What Is Goin' On

by Rusty Tanton, December 2, 2006 - 6:08pm

Not tired of hearing mine and Amber's voices yet? Head over to What Is Goin' On and listen to us explain the intricacies of podcasting to host Wilson R. Smith. Or, more accurately, listen to Amber explain the intricacies of podcasting and hear me mumble, stutter and occasionally interject a sentence fragment (I was still recovering from the flu when the interview was recorded).

The show featuring us aired last Thursday, Nov. 29th at 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on WLYU in the Savannah/Lyons/Vidalia area. Here's a direct link to the audio file.

Thanks to Wilson for having us on! We hope to interview him on Mostly ITP in the near future. If you're not listening to his show, you should be, as he's quickly become the best interviewer of politicos in the state.

Tags: Lyons, Press Coverage, radio, Savannah, Site Announcements, Vidalia, What Is Goin' On?, WLYU

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1 comment

Cicely Luis's picture
Cicely Luis

This was a great interview, Amber and Rusty. Rusty, I didn't detect any mumbling or stuttering on your part.

Posted on December 3, 2006 - 2:48pm